Each of our master bedrooms has been pretty different. Our first started out the first 4 months with an air mattress on the floor of a one bedroom studio apartment. We finally bought a bedroom set that included a cherry wood slay bed and two dressers. It was dark in our room and my husband picked out a dark red comforter set that made it even darker! I hated that room, but we were newlyweds and didn't know how to compromise, honestly.
Our second bedroom we mutually decided on changing the bedding to a bright blue comforter with orange sheets. I loved that set so much, but the bedroom furniture was still my least favorite. Our bedroom was my least favorite room. We didn't have a ton of money laying around to buy anything new, so we just made it work.
When I moved to California we decided that selling our furniture altogether was probably the easiest because we didn't know I would be moving back. We were under the impression that by December 2014 we would be at a new duty station, or that I would have purchased a home in California for us to begin life without the military. Well, things changed, promises were broken, and we had to pick up the pieces of our life and try to figure out a new plan. We found out we were pregnant, and not leaving DC until after he was due, so I moved back.
wall decor- target. has 9 cubbies. $50 regular- but I got it on markdown for $20. |
Moving back to DC was a big decision that took a lot of planning. We would need everything new.
Furniture, linens, etc. Along with a baby on the way and needing several thousand dollars reserved in savings deemed untouchable because military moves are sometimes all out of pocket upfront. So, we budgeted in a 2 month span and made it happen. I tried to be as thrifty as possible while out shopping for our new furniture. We had the living and dining rooms taken care of a month before our move, but still had no clue what to do about our bedroom or Opal's room.
I tried to keep this room really bright and neutral in colors. I think it is my happy place in the apartment.
So, here is what we did with our tight budget. I'll include where I bought things, and I'll try to also remember the prices or deals that I got the items on. :-) I hope this helps those of you who want a revamp but are on a tight budget!
Excuse the somewhat wrinkled bedskirt! (I forgot it in the laundry hamper a little too long after washing it.) |
- Bed skirt is from Target.
- Bedding is Threshold- also from Target.
- Sheets- lime green/yellow are Nate Berkus for Target.
- I found this awesome headboard at Ross for only $120! Love it so much- & it actually isn't as short as it looks. We have a 4" memory foam mattress topper on it that makes our bed appear taller.
- 4" Sealy gel-memory foam mattress topper is form Big Lots- $85.
At the foot of our bed we have Oliver's crib. Opal is currently sleeping in this during naps and half of the night. I'm not sure when she is going to be in her big girl bed, especially with teething keeping her up all night.
- Crib is Jenny Lind in gray from Babies R Us. $200.
- Laundry hamper was $20 from Marshalls. I love it so much.
- Banner is currently in the One Spot bins at Target for $3.
Another view of the crib area, sleeping baby included.
- Not sure if you can see the crib sheet, but it is gray and white stripes- from Target. $10.
- I like the mesh crib bumpers a lot. You can buy these pretty much anywhere that sells crib bedding.
Dillon's nightstand. |
- Instead of purchasing traditional nightstands that can cost on average $100 each, we chose these small dressers from Ikea. They were $100 a piece and work so much better for us. We love to hang all of our tops, so these work well. Holds our socks/ undies, pajamas, and jeans. Pretty much serves its purpose.
- Bedside clock is from Marshalls. Opal bought it for Dillon for $12.
- Wolf figurine was a gift from my grandparents on a cross country drive.
My side. |
Our lamps were from Marshalls. We spent $24.99 on each of them.
Our bedroom doesn't have a light, so they were a NECESSITY for sure.
All of the picture frames are from Target clearance.
Another view of my nightstand.
- Jewelry tree is from Target. I got it on clearance for $5, but I think they still sell them for $20.
Check out that photo of my grandma- such a hottie. |
- The wire baskets on both nightstands are from Target's One Spot section. They were $3. I use them to store diapers and wipes while keeping the flow of the neutral colored room going.
On my side of the room is our walk in closet- totally closed the door because the floor was destroyed by Opal exploring before this shoot. I wasn't even trying to bend down that much. :-)
To the right of that is our bathroom. I've kept it pretty simple in there with peach and gray tones.
- The laundry basket and shelf is from Target. Around $40. I have a bunch of the One Spot metal buckets and large jars storing my little things (nailpolish, makeup, hair ties, etc).
Here's a somewhat view of my walk in closet. That big bin right there is full of Oliver's teeny tiny baby clothes!! I can't wait to unpack all of that stuff and dress him in it.
- Paris/ France sign from Kohls. Don't remember how much I snagged that for.
And then a quick bump selfie in my bathroom. Hair a mess and all. :-)
Hope you all enjoyed my little tour.