Anyone else have a weird spouse? Well, I for sure have a strange one. Over the years I am still asking myself, "what the heck is this man talking about?!" I can't go anywhere without this man asking or saying ridiculous things. So over the past week I've jotted down my favorite quotes from the man himself.
While in a Target Parking lot: "Red trash... Why did I say red trash... A red neck that's trashy??"
(I was reading an email and have no clue what the heck he was even rambling about. It was just super funny to randomly hear.)
While sitting on the sofa: "I stepped on a rubber ducky and thought it was a mouse."
While driving and seeing a moving truck drive by:
Dillon: "We could call them" [two men and a truck]
Me: "Yeah we could"
Dillon: "Or we could call two marines."
Me: "Ooh or college hunks"
While casually talking to each other:
Me: "I need a new phone case."
Dillon: *Aggressive tone and face* "OKAY. DID YOU LOOK ON GROUPON?"
This man is obsessed with groupon goods lately..
While driving:
*Tantrum* "I HATE WAITING. WAITING IS NO LONGER IN MY VOCABULARY. I won't make a marine wait again. 'Oh your pay is messed up? SIT DOWN.'"
While shopping at lowes:
Me: "The exit is right there."
Dillon: "You mean salad?" [salida]
Me: "Why would I go to target and the mall with the kids alone?"
Dillon: "Because you're Chelsea and you like going to target."
I jotted this down because he is actually sweet sometimes:
(We were in a chic fil a parking lot)
Me:"Did you get ketchup?"
Dillon:"I got barbecue"
Me: "Hmm"
Dillon: "Do you want me to go back inside and get you some?"
Me: "Would that be a hassle?"
Dillon: "Nothing is a hassle for you."
Me: "Are you hungry?"
Opal: "Noooo"
Dillon: "Want chicken nuggets?"
Opal: "No"
Me: "French fries?"
Opal: "Yeah!"
Aren't toddlers the funniest? French fries are always a hit, right?
Now back to Dillon.
We were driving to New Jersey and saw a
kid consignment store that I wanted to go into but it was 6 am.
kid consignment store that I wanted to go into but it was 6 am.
Me: "I wish they were open."
Dillon: "I don't, you'd probably make me stop."
Me: "I would! When's the next time I'm gonna get to go there?!"
Dillon: "Probably this afternoon on our way home."

*driving fast leaving the toll booth*
"This is when you kick it."
^^what the heck does that mean?^^
*driving past sign for New York.
Dillon: "Well babe, I guess we are going to New York.... Or as the people there say, York."
Me: "Nobody calls it York."
Dillon: "Well the people from New Jersey call it jersey."
"This is a pretty good place to play hide and seek." *pointing to forest*
At a Denny's in New Jersey:
Dillon: "That lady's name is Beat Rice. What a horrible name."
Me: " mean Beatrice?"
I mentioned how my tank top kept going really low and showing my bra:
Dillon: "It's like your shirt is playing limbo. 'How low can you go...!'" *proceeds to shimmy*
"Are boogers biodegradable?"