Hey everyone! I am just kind of playing around with some old photos and figured I'd share the before/afters of each practice session I end up doing tonight. If you haven't noticed, I am really passionate about my growth and investing in myself. I love to listen to podcasts, watch youtube videos, read tutorials, order new classes, etc! I have been really trying to embrace new styles and take my photos to a whole new fairytale level, rather than deep toned photos!
Let me stop babbling away and just get to the photos! First up, my dear friend Adrina! I forced her to take these photos and I plan to go through them and re-edit them AGAIN because I want to make them super magical. I really didn't have a style at the time and was just starting out and now that I've edited soooooo many photos, I just really want to re-do some.
Original from camera on the left, my new edit on the right. |