Nice to see you! I have been sooooooooo busy lately, that I don't even know what I've been so busy with. Do you ever have that day, week or (like me), MONTH that just whips by so fast that it is a blur? Well, that was the case for October. It just went by so fast. So, here's a rough recap:

In October Opal and I went to a pumpkin patch with my mom, sisters, and brother in law. We did a lot of shopping for our next home... and a lot of unpacking those huge storage tubs and formally packing them into boxes. (Is there a "formal" way to pack things? Who knows!) We also got a storage unit that I can now start buying the big furniture and putting it all into. First items on our list: MASTER BEDROOM FURNITURE AND MATRESSES!!!!
Side story: When I first moved in with Dillon, I arrived in Washington,
DC with 2 duffle bags, 2 suitcases, and a backpack. Inside of those bags
I had an air mattress, sheets, a blanket, my clothes, and shoes. Our
apartment was veerrrrrrrry small, and that air mattress was the only
shred of furniture we had for about 4 months. We had to save for a long
time to afford 2 stools, a tv, a rug, and a tv stand. Eventually we made
the grown up phone call to the bank to apply for a loan so that we
could buy a bedroom set. We slept on real mattresses about 5 or 6 months
after I moved. It was tough!

Anyways! Opal also turned 10 months old. She participated in her first Halloween as a black kitty cat and a raccoon. She has been talking... A LOT. She has about 8 words mastered. She knows what they are and when to use them. Her favorite song is currently: "All About That Bass" by Meghan Trainor. Her booty loves to move and dance. Her favorite word is: "WOW!" She has been BLW for a while now and is still doing great eating on her own. She has a molar coming in, and 8 teeth already out. She grabs my phone first thing in the morning and says, "Dada! Dada! Dada!" So I have to facetime him so that she can tell him goodmorning. She misses hims dearly and has not forgotten him at all. She's beautiful and just so, so, so smart.
One month down without Dillon, only a few more to go!