Hey guys! I'm another couple of weeks done with this pregnancy, and that much closer to meeting our little man! I am getting so excited with every week that passes. I am truly an inpatient woman and waiting 40 weeks for something so incredible is a true test of my patience. This pregnancy seems to be going by pretty fast, which is good and bad. Like I said in my previous pregancy post, we are waiting (still) to hear about our future with the Marine Corps.

Back to a more positive topic- THIS PREGNANCY! I saw my OB last week, and happened to see the one that delivered Opal in December 2013. (I have a whole team of OB's that I see through the span of my pregnancy. On the day of my delivery it will be whoever is on call that delivers my baby. I don't really get to choose just one.) So anyways, I shared an update on my personal IG, but not on my blog instagram.
I had a pretty great visit. She answered a lot of my questions about my upcoming VBAC.
I was told that if we don't have child care Opal can be with us in the room unless for some crazy reason I have to have a c-section again, I'd be in the operating room alone. I can go for a while without an epidural, but I do have to have one placed at some point (but it can be set to the setting JUST above a walking epi).

I only gained 2 lbs during that last month which is perfect. My gestational diabetes test came back great. My fundal height was measuring ahead, so she will order an ultrasound at my next appointment if it still is. I also came back as anemic so I'm on iron pills now. Basically, everything went great. I loved hearing from her especially that she thinks I am a good candidate for VBAC, because she remembers everything about my last delivery.
Hopefully when I give my 33rd week update I will have some more great news to share, both about the baby and our future with the USMC. :-)
xoxo- Chelsea.