practicing, because growth takes so much practice!

             Hey everyone! I am just kind of playing around with some old photos and figured I'd share the before/afters of each practice session I end up doing tonight. If you haven't noticed, I am really passionate about my growth and investing in myself. I love to listen to podcasts, watch youtube videos, read tutorials, order new classes, etc! I have been really trying to embrace new styles and take my photos to a whole new fairytale level, rather than deep toned photos!

             Let me stop babbling away and just get to the photos! First up, my dear friend Adrina! I forced her to take these photos and I plan to go through them and re-edit them AGAIN because I want to make them super magical. I really didn't have a style at the time and was just starting out and now that I've edited soooooo many photos, I just really want to re-do some.

Original from camera on the left, my new edit on the right.

Living Room Wish List

Hi everyone! As most of my friends know, Dillon and I are currently living with my parents while we wait for a package with the Marine Corps to be approved and to receive new orders. Meanwhile, we are working/ going to school/ and taking care of the kids while planning and dreaming about our next chapter of our lives. A lot of the budgeting/ planning/ saving all falls on my shoulders so I have a lot of lists and plans going on in my head. I figured I have so many things in my shopping carts and bookmarks online, why not share a few of them here for fun? :)

So first I am going to do my living room! It is the room you walk into first typically, so its the first stop in my virtual shopping cart! 

I feel I should also mention that the majority of the stuff I want is from Target and IKEA. They're my favorites and typically close to most places, or deliver the things I want! I have also been looking on Wayfair and Overstock!

First, I imagine an entry way bench near the door, with baskets for the kids shoes, our running shoes, and a compartment for dillon's combat boots. I also imagine a stylish mirror, I'm definitely leaning towards a sleek, round mirror. I'll probably keep using hanging baskets like these for mail, keys, etc.  last but not lead, obviously some hooks for coats!

entry way sources:

hooks - TARGET
baskets - target

Swim party at Copper River Country Club

This week I shot a first birthday at the Copper River Country Club! 
It was such a blast and this family was soon nice. 
Click the Read More to see all of the photos.

Custom Invites.

I just wanted to share some of my custom work I've done recently for family/friends.