Holy moly

So, I've been MIA because our laptop has been down! I am not a fan of using my phone to write out a blog post, so I am a bit upset that I haven't been able to update in a month + !!!!! Well, baby Opal is due any day now, I wish she would come today!! That would be heavenly. 


November was a good month. We had a couple blessings and were definitely thankful for everything that happened to us that month. We thought we were going to have to dish out almost $500 for car maintenance, all to find out from a very kind soul on base that we were lied to by a major name brand auto garage. So, we didn't have to spend a dime! So thankful for that! 

We also decided spur of the moment to cook a thanksgiving meal... On Thanksgiving DAY! I somehow managed to get a pretty big meal cooked for my husband and 2 of his coworkers! :) even at 38 weeks pregnant and very, very tired! 

And now it is December already! I am officially in my 40th week, and considered extremely full term! We have had a couple moments when we really let ourselves believe it was "the real deal" all to get sent home from L&D and for the contractions to fizzle. Prodromal labor is heartbreaking to a tired mama. 

So, now I am waiting for labor signs... And praying they be real. We have tried all the wacky "labor starters" and nothing has worked. I have given up on those.

Today I am going to run out to Best Buy and try to find a charging cord for our laptop, so that by the time Opal arrives I can update with photos and my birth story. Wish me luck!